
I Am sooooo excited!!!

congratulations – you’re in!

First of all I want to say a HUGE thank you for choosing to work with me!

I understand that it can be a little daunting or nerve wracking to start something new – however I have complete confidence that together we’re going to conquer the world….

Ok maybe world domination isn’t on the table but I do know that we’re going to help you kick butt and feel fantastic!!

So the first thing that we want to do (if we haven’t already) is book in a time for you to have your first one on one call.

You can do that really easily by clicking on the button below, and selecting a time that works for you. Once that’s booked I’ll send you all of the details which are super easy to follow!
(Normally I use either Zoom, Skype or FB Messenger for our calls)

As an extra bonus for us working together I would love to give you a SPECIAL COMPLIMENTARY invitation to join my Secret Squirrel membership group. 

This is a really intimate, private Facebook group that is filled with awesome, like minded women who are all on a similar path to yourself! 

 The idea behind the group is to cheer each other on, share tips and ideas and help keep us motivated and on track! Because well…. Life happens right! So having some extra accountability and support is always a really nice thing!

To join you can click the link below and I’ll add you to the group! 
(If you have any issues please let me know. Sometimes the FB gremlins don’t play the game so I may need to manually add you).

Ok, that’s enough to kick us off!

Again thank you for allowing  me to help you with your health, wellness and fitness!
I’m really excited to be working with you and can’t wait to get started!

Hugest of hugs
– Amanda xx

“Sometimes asking for help is the bravest move you can make. You don’t have to go it alone”