Secret Squirrel Membership

Accountability & Support
so you can finally kick butt!

does this sound familiar?

You’re sick and tired that nothing ever sticks?

You’re so frustrated that you keep sabotaging yourself,
even though you desperately want to change?

You feel run down, overwhelmed and exhausted all of the time… 

You hate how you feel about yourself;

You are so ashamed and defeated that you’ve let it get this far?

i know how much it sucks
and I want you to know – you’ve got this!

Hey I’m Amanda. I’ve been a Personal Trainer for 12 years and worked with hundreds of clients who feel exactly like you do!

But what sets me apart from other trainers is, I’ve been exactly where you are too!  

I know how it feels to wonder why you don’t get it.

Be so angry and desperate, thinking that you just need to try harder.

Tried to force myself to change and then hating myself because it never stuck.

And I want to let you know, it doesn’t have to be that way!
You don’t need another diet, overhaul or program!

You can do this! Even if it feels impossible right now!

And that’s where I’d really love to help you flip everything around and do it differently!

This time, instead of forcing someone else’s “perfect program that worked for them” into your life, I’ll help you figure out what YOU NEED! 

Because let’s be honest if ‘cookie cutter programs/fads worked’, you’d have the results you crave by now!

Here’s how I can help you:

From my years of training I realise that there isn’t ‘just one way’ to get results.
(Yup the Fitness Industry doesn’t love me saying that stuff… However I’m passionate about breaking through all of the BS & Crazy out there!) .

We are all different so we need a flexible, common sense and realistic approach to get you there.


Discover what YOU need:

We need to help you discover what’s going to work for you. It needs to take into account your time constraints, fitness levels, what you like doing and what’s achievable.

There’s no point following along to a cookie cutter program or diet, unless you want to live your life like that forever.

So instead of blindly following along, let’s work out what you want and need to do for YOU!


Accountability & Support

Expert Advice, Guidance & Motivation so you can stay on track!

How many times have you started a program/diet and it’s easy…
Until life comes up, you get busy or rundown.

And I’ll be right there with you to help you stay on track…. Or kick your butt if it’s needed 😉

Plus you’ll be surrounded by an amazing community. A place to ask questions, encouraging and help each other along! No more shame, judgement or hopelessness.
We’re there to help each other achieve, even during the hard times!


We'll talk MINDSET

If nothing changes…
Then nothing changes…

Thankfully I realised this is what I was doing. Every time I threw myself into a diet or program… Trying to copy what worked for them it was a band aid.

When things got tough or hard or I fell off the wagon it was too easy to revert back to my old habits!

Instead of feeling guilty, putting pressure on ourselves or trying to force ourselves to ‘be a certain way’… Let’s flip it around!

I’ll share different tools, tricks and resources to help you make real lasting change!

And that’s why this membership is going to help you succeed!

It’s about having someone help you figure out what YOU need for YOU!

You having the support and accountability to actually stick it out and work your way through it.

Plus the mindset tools to really change your lifestyle forver!

So what is actually involved:


No more generic advice you have to do on your own. Together we’ll discover what YOU NEED!

AND THEN I’ll work with you to keep you accountable & on track!

Finally you can figure out what’s going to work fo you and get on top of your health & fitness once and for all! 

So you get access to amazing resources, an awesome community and more…  However what truly sets this membership apart is the 1 on 1 calls we have each month! 

Each month we’ll touch base (via skype, zoom, FB chat).
It’ll be a chance to check in, see how you’re going and give you the support & motivation you need! 

No more falling off the wagon when you slip up or your motivation waivers. I’m right there with you helping you to kick goals! (Even when life is busy!)


To make movement easy and fun I’ve got you covered with our workout videos!

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have time to drive to gym, want to stretch it out or get your HR up. I’ve got a workout to suit you.

The workouts range from 7 minutes right through to 40 minutes.
There are lots of different workout options, intensity levels and more!

It covers boxing, kickboxing, cardio, weights, abs, stretching adn more!

Plus there’s also training videos and workshops around nutrition and mindset to help you to make these healthy lifestyle choices become habits!



Imaging being surrounded by like minded people, who all want the same thing.
An uplifting community where it’s safe to share your struggles, get support, share ideas and get advice.

NO judgement, NO shame, NO terrible posed crop top selfies 😉 

It’s about sharing our wins, encouraging each other and kicking butt together!

Plus in our Private FB group you get access to me to answer all of your questions, share tips, tricks and resources to help you stay on track!

AND on top of all that group support, I’ll be jumping on and doing Group Calls as well. These calls can be about getting advice or sometimes have an educational / training theme.


For those of you who love a challenge or something thought provoking I’ve introduced fun fortnightly challenges.

These challenges are VERY EASY and lifestyle related and suit everyone.
Some weeks they’re movement based (how many steps are you doing)
Sometimes they’re nutritional based (try a new recipe)
Sometimes they’re mindset based (what’s your why?)

This is to help reinforce that small changes make a massive impact!
And the best part is because these challenges are optional and they’re easy you can start incorporating them into your life without it being overwhelming or crazy!
They help keep you focused and doing something for yourself, even when life get’s hectic!

These challenges are OPTIONAL, they can be done in your own time at your own pace! There’s no expectation or pressure if it’s not your thing! 😉



I’m here to support you in the way that you need!

We are all different and going through our own stages! 

If life’s hectic and crazy, you might pop in once a week or fortnight to touch base.

Or maybe you feel like you need a little more support and guidance so you’ll chat daily.

Maybe it’s somewhere in the middle.

No matter what you choose it’s perfect!

This membership is about being flexible for what YOU need!


I pride myself on my “PERSONAL” approach and I don’t believe experts should try and enforce this “one size fit’s all” BS! 

My training style and this membership is all about COMMON SENSE!
I’ll only share realistic and achievable advice that YOU CAN DO!

(It makes me angry seeing trainers dishing out ridiculous exercises or advice that their clients can’t do! It only makes the client feel like crap and dejected! it doesn’t have to be that way!)

On a daily basis I work with a wide range of fabulous people; 
So it doesn’t matter if you’re super busy and struggling;
Perhaps you’re getting back into it, doing rehab or have an injury;
Maybe you need a push or want to really kick it up a gear!

I’ll work with you to support & encourage you with what you need right now! 
(And sometimes the power and simplicity of having an expert in your corner cheering you on or giving you a dose of “Amanda tough love” is exactly what you need 😛)

The support & motivation to help you have the health & fitness you crave…
Without all of the diets, crazy or BS!

What some of my guys have to say:

I never truly realised just how much the support is needed, I’ve always just done stuff on my own and that’s why I haven’t really succeeded. You want people in your corner cheering you on. Thank you❤️ For encouraging me always, and gifting me the tools to be the best version of me XX

Really felt the need to post in here tonight. I really have always felt that my fitness physically was ok even though I never excelled in any area. I really felt very emotional tonight as I reflected on this journey I have started with Amanda. I feel like I always cruise through life and having someone in my camp who believes In me and encourages me to be the best version of myself is really incredible for me. Like even this setting a goal thing seemed small but was actually really big for me as I never set goals as I didn't think much of myself to think I could achieve them.. LOVE LOVE LOVE what is going on in here and getting to share the journey with all of you...

Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU for your message! You made me have a moment! Also thought I’d share that I volunteered to run this morning at the gym. And I was stoked with my efforts. And felt the need to tell you because you have had a huge part in my mind shift, you have encouraged and reminded me that I’m stronger, and capable of so much more.

I weighed in today and literally cried, I’m 11.4 kg lighter! And 57 cm smaller too! I’ve never been so happy with my hard work before. I just wanted to let you know that my mind is right, my heart and determination are up and kicking goals like this makes me sooo incredibly happy!!

I really appreciate your messages. Thanks for keeping me real and ensuring my success. You are absolutely right, because consistency is what I’m striving for!!! And thanks for the virtual hugs. You’re a great cheerleader- can feel your energy through the airwaves. xx

Thank you for your love support and incredible belief and PUSH you give. You are amazing, and have such a way to connect with people. Even my kids are all loving it, they never complain about going for a run, or a ride. they are happier to!

Your regular messages have been so helpful to keep me sane. It’s always lovely having you nudge and prod me !! Thank you

Ok so here is some feedback for you. I signed up for a term with this lady but I don’t know if I am actually going to finish the term, it’s not really working for me. She is lovely and very upbeat. But is also a just stop eating this stuff and do this and you will be a size 10. She supplies recipes etc like chocolate cake that is made with avocado or something and how you should just cut out stuff etc blah blah blah. Anyway it made me appreciate more how you talk to us in a realistic way. About real struggles and achievements that normal people go through. Not just a go do this and you will be awesome. You talk about setting yourself habits or patterns that are small steps that are achievable and working up to the big picture. So much love 💜

💗 Your support truly means the world to me. 💗

Your investment:

You’ll be subscribing to a recurring $49.00  membership. Your membership will automatically renew every month from today.

NO CONTRACTS – You can cancel at any time.