It’s bacccckkkk!!

Due to high demand, lots of laugh and the improved fitness & weight loss results we’ve been achieving in previous terms I’ll be running Group again.

As always as long as we have 10 people sign up and pay it’ll go ahead!
So if you want to be part of the last Group Training make sure you join up and book your spot! 💪
Please know with 100% confidence that if for any reason training doesn’t go ahead you will receive a FULL REFUND!



Starting on MONDAY 28th of OCTOBER and running for 7.5 weeks*
(There will be no training on Monday 4th for Cup Weekend however there WILL be training on Wednesday 6th) .

Sessions will run on from Monday to Thursday at Binnak Park, Watsonia.
Access is off Anderson Parade.

The sessions will run on:
Tuesday & Thursday MORNING at 6:00 – 7:00am
and Monday & Wednesday EVENING at 6:30 – 7:30pm.

You guys can train unlimited for $30p/week
(see below for more details)


If you’re not currently a member (aka a Secret Squirrel) you can train for 2 sessions in the evenings for $40p/week.

*Secret Squirrels:
Because you guys rock the cheaper price & unlimited training is my thanks to you guys for your ongoing support! 😍

*Want to get an awesome discount and save money?
If you’d love to save some money on Group Training and get extra accountability, motivation & support you can check out what the month to month, no lock in membership is all about!
Signing up for just 2 months is cheaper than the normal price with the current sale that’s happening!
>> check it out here & snap up the sale!



If you’re bored with your training or feel it’s time to spice it up and get an extra push into your workouts leading up to all of those Christmas functions… it’s time to give Group Training a go!

It’s an awesome way to stay motivated, make time to exercise, keep those kilos off and push those fitness levels!

And in case you’re mean guy/girl is freaking out, please rest assured we are not a yell and scream bootcamp where you’ll be crawling around in the mud or humiliated if you can’t keep up. That’s absolutely not my style!

 The classes are about having a laugh, they’re filled with real people (like real mum’s and dads, not just gym bunnies or Ken dolls hehe). I guarantee you’ll feel welcome at every sessions and that it’ll be about you working to YOUR ability! Not the person besides you!

Classes are a mixture of cardio training, strength training, boxing and games. Each session has been designed with variety in mind to challenge you and keep you interested.

All fitness levels are welcome!

“I had often thought about joining and really thought that it was only for super fit people and that I would not be able to cope. But with your wonderful encouragement and fantastic variety of sessions I have had a great time – and I am still alive!!” – Michelle



Kickboxing & Boxing

A great workout that’s fun and an awesome stress relief! During these classes you will be taught correct boxing & kickboxing techniques and it will be a mixture of punching mitts, kicking, knees, shadow boxing and other activities (all equipment is supplied). 

Circuit Training
Variety is the spice of life and this is guaranteed to mix up your training. We’ll be doing anything from cardio to strength training, and both high and low impact exercises. Circuit Training is an awesome way to great results!

Get the heart pumping, the body moving and burn lots of calories. A great class to push your fitness to the next level. Classes will be mixed up with running drills, cardio exercises, and anything else I can think of to make you sweat!

ATB Blast (Abs, Thighs and Butt Blast)
A lower body workout designed to help you shape and tone the tummy, thighs and hips. Be prepared to feel the burn!

Strength Training
A must for everyone! These classes will accelerate your fitness results and increase your strength and power for day to day life. Whether you are looking to tone or bulk up, lose weight or improve your general strength. I encourage you to come along.


All sessions will be run outdoors at Binnak Park, Watsonia North.
Access is off Anderson Parade.
The park has parking, water and toilet facilities available.


Starting on Monday 27th of OCTOBER 2019.
Running for 7.5 weeks**
(Please read below about about Cup Week)



Which sessions?


Which Sessions?


 Q: What’s a Secret Squirrel / Member?
A: I have a really low cost membership that’s about accountability & support to help you be consistsent with your health & fitness goals! It’s month to month (no lock in’s or minimum terms) and it’s a whole heap of Amanda love and me in your ear all of the time! 🙊

Each month we have a 1:1 call to help you come up with a really easy step by step focus for each month that’s tailored to what YOU need (not generic crap!);

We do optional fortnightly health & fitness challenges to give you some extra accountability & focus;

You get access to the Members Hub with workout videos you can do anywhere (boxing, stretching, weights & more);

And you also get access to our Private FB Group filled with awesome peeps to help cheer you on!

Oh…. Plus you get me checking in throughout the month too for even more Amanda love & to help you stay consistent! 😘 💪

The current sales means you get 2 month’s working with me AND it’s cheaper than the normal Group price! 
(And remember there are no lock-ins, you can cancel anytime!)

>>> Find out more here <<<

Q: Will I have to run for the entire session?
A: NO WAY! The session is mixed up so you will be doing a wide variety of things throughout the hour. Even on the ‘running/cardio’ session days we mix it up so that you don’t run for the entire session! Seriously everyone will be able to keep up and in a way that won’t make you stand out or feel embarrassed!

Q: Do I have to be fit to join group training?

A: No, absolutely not. Group training is designed for all levels of fitness. The great thing is that if you are unfit, Group Training will get you fit! And if you are already fit – that’s great, we promise that we will push you to become fitter.

Q: I have seen group training sessions run before and they look intimidating.
A: Not to worry there will be no yelling or screaming. My training style is to ensure that everyone is relaxed, having fun and a laugh but working hard at your own pace (after all that’s why we are all there). Military style training is exactly that – for the Military!

Q: Why do you need 10 people for it to go ahead?
Having done this for many years now I’ve recognised that to have an awesome community vibe, great energy and for the sessions to run well, the magic number is 10!

So for Group Training to go ahead we’ll need to have 10 people have signed up and paid. (That’s for both the AM and PM group. Most people are either morning OR evening, hence the requirement for both).

Eg. If we get 10 in the evening but not morning, I’ll only run the evening sessions.

And in case you’re wondering why 10?
When you think about it, naturally people miss class, get sick or stuff comes up. If we don’t have the numbers to accommodate it means the sessions will not run as planned and have the energy required to make them awesome! And there is a lot of pressure on me to perform since everyone’s been talking them up 😉

However as above, if for ANY reason the group does not go ahead or we don’t get the numbers everyone who’s paid will be refunded IN FULL!

 Q: What happens if I am unable to attend a session?
A: Group Training will run hail, rain or shine. Unfortunately our policy is if you miss a session you will be unable to “make it up” in the next program, however if there is room, you may make it up on an alternative time spot during the term.

Q: What happens if it is raining / bad weather?
A: Sessions will always run, except in the case of extreme weather.
If for some unforeseen reason it looks like it will be impractical or unsafe to run a session I may have to cancel. I’ll ensure I give you as much notice as possible if I need to cancel (which will be on my Facebook Page and/or Email).

Q: What happens if I want to train but I can only do 1 morning and 1 night or only 1 session p/week?  
A: I appreciate that life can be hectic and sometimes your schedule won’t fit in with ours. In the situation where you would like to train regularly on alternate time slots, please let us know. Depending on the availability in each ‘group’ we may be able to accommodate you to fit it in with your schedule. For example you may be able to train on Monday morning and Wednesday evening.

However please call or email to discuss prior to booking as this will be dependent on availability and making the group size/numbers work.

Q: What will happen if I can’t commit to the entire term (i.e. I’m going away for a week)?
A: As long as we have the minimum numbers to make sure that Group goes ahead I’m happy to look at doing partial payments / prorata for the time you can be there.

Q: What about the Melbourne Cup Public Holiday? 
A: As Tuesday the 5th of November is a Public Holiday (Cup Day) and as the majority of people make a long weekend of it, there will be NO Training on Monday (PM) the 4th of November.

There WILL be training on Wednesday (PM) as normal. This has all been accounted for in the pricing which is why it’s 7.5 weeks of training instead of the full 8 weeks.

Q: Am I able to bring my children along?
A: Yes you can. I understand that getting a babysitter may not always be an option for you however that shouldn’t stop you from training. As long as your children are well behaved they are more than welcome to play around us or in the playground at the park. However I’m sure you can understand we ask that it’s your responsibility to watch your children and ensure that their attendance doesn’t disturb the rest of the group. 🙂

 Q: Do I have to book for each session?
A: No, you don’t need to book for each session, however it is important that you book your place for the term. We need a minimum of 10 for the program to run.

 Q: If I do not wish to continue Group Training am I eligible for a refund?
A: Once the program has commenced there are no refunds.

 Have a question I haven’t answered?
Give me a call on 0408 618 274 or hit me up on my Facebook Page


 “I would also like to take this opportunity to let you know how much I loooove (well most days!) the group training.  I had often thought about joining and really thought that it was only for super fit people and that I would not be able to cope with it and basically, have a heart attack ha ha!
But with your wonderful encouragement and fantastic variety of sessions I have had a great time – and I am still alive!!.  Just to also let you know I will be definitely coming back next term. Thanks again Amanda” – Michelle

 “I feel great! My fitness level has improved so much and my body is much leaner and more toned.” – Kate

“Loved it, great motivation to get up when you have a team of people relying on you and it is also great to get you pushing yourself to your limits with people to compete with, makes you try harder.” – Carly

“Amanda your enthusiasm and friendly approach make it really fun.  Even when I am about to fall over with exhaustion you keep it light-hearted but also keep us focused on improving our fitness.” – Sharyn

“We love the sessions.  We get a really good work out and are pushed to levels that we would not push ourselves if we were doing the exercises by ourselves.  Doing the training in a group also made you work out harder.” – John & Cathy

Places are limited!
Call Amanda today to book your spot or ask for more information:
0408 618 274



Which sessions?


Which Sessions?