Wooohhooo You’re in!

I’m so excited that you’ve made the decision to come and play!
I can’t wait to get started to helping you become healthier, fitter and stronger! πŸ’ͺ😍

So here is a quick refresher on what’s going to happen next:

  • The challenge is going to start on Monday 7th of January
    (What an inspiring and empowered way to start the new year! Focusing on being the healthiest, fittest version of you! Much respect to you!)Β 
  • If you snapped up the early bird bonus of a FREE 30 minute video call you can use it any time either before or during the 28 days.
    I’ll send you more info about this shortly!
  • I’ll also be sending you the bonus free workout that you can have a play with between now and the program starting.
  • Lastly if you really want to hit the ground running I’d really appreciate and love if you could fill in the form below. It will give me a chance to get an understanding of where you’re at right now to really help you achieve the results you crave!
    Remember a huge part of your success will be checking in so you have the support & accountability you need so can STICK WITH IT πŸ™‚

If you’ve got any questions, make sure that you reach out to me in the FB group or you can PM me as well πŸ™‚

I am really looking forward to helping make this time different!
I’m excited to help you discover what is going to work for you!

Can’t wait! See you on the inside πŸ™‚
Luv Amanda xx

  • ** Just a quick note on this FB group, because it’s super secret sometimes the FB gremlins won’t let you see or join the group, even with the link. If that’s the case please send me a PM through FB and I’ll add you that way.Β 

Let's hit the ground running! πŸ’ͺ

5 + 9 =