Christmas 28 Day Challenge

Be healthier and lose weight in 28 days


You’re dreading the end of year functions because you hate how you look?

You’re so worried and so uncomfortable with how you look and feel that you’ll avoid looking in the mirror because you don’t like what you see.

Are you angry and frustrated that you haven’t looked after yourself?

Another years gone by and you still haven’t prioritised yourself. You hate how sluggish you feel and even though you desperately want to lose weight and/or feel healthier and stronger you put keep putting it off.

You are so exhausted, feel sluggish and tired all of the time.

The though of starting something new just feels too overwhelming and draining. Even when you know it’ll help you, you feel defeated and like it’s all just too hard!

You are ridiculously busy and feel broken and run down.

As Xmas approaches you know you’ll have less time. It feels too hard or like you don’t have the energy or will power to start anything new.


You still have time to look amazing!

You can achieve fantastic results!

You can look and feel sexy & confident in those party outfits!

You will have more energy, feel better, healthier and stronger!

You DON’T have to spend ridiculous hours working out!

You DON’T have to eat horrible, bland foods or be hangry!

You really can make this happen EVEN IF YOU’RE SUPER BUSY/TIME POOR!

In fact you can have all of this working out a couple of times a week and eating yummy healthy foods! Without all of the BS, crazy or extremes!

Here’s how I can help you feel amazing!

My 4 week Training Plan is suitable for everyone no matter how busy or what fitness level you’re at! This is all about YOU feeling awesome!

Starting Monday 26th of November
(You can still join anytime during this week! You’ll still get all of the accountability from me AND you get life access to the program so you can keep going back to it!)

They workouts are fun, varied and designed to get results!

They’re short and fast <15 mins so you can ALWAYS find time!
(Yup that means “too busy” isn’t a real reason!)

They cater to all fitness levels with lots of low impact & advanced options!

You can do them anywhere (like in the privacy/comfort of your own home)

PLUS – I’ll be in the FB Group giving you “Amanda love!”

No more “guessing or wondering” if it’s right for you!

You’ve got your own PT to help you kick butt & feel amazing.

Amanda Rattay - from meh to motivated

A Suggested Meal Plan to help accelerate your results!

We all know that nutrition is 80% of the battle!

To help you get the fastest results I’m including a suggested meal plan that I’ve used myself and with clients to get incredible results.

This part of the plan is optional. You can use it as strictly or suggestively as you’d like. It all comes down to what you’d love to achieve in the next 4 weeks.


Accountability + Access to ME = Results!


When left to our own devices it’s way to easy to sabotage ourselves, put everyone else first, doubt ourselves or let our mean guy/girl take over!

Even when we have the best intentions it’s way too easy to fall off the wagon!

And that’s why this program is SO different and will get you results!
I will be with you EVERY step of the way!

I’m right there with you to help keep you accountable and on track!
… So no more running away and hiding if it get’s hard πŸ˜‰

And importantly you get the expertise and advice from a professional!
Not random comments from ‘the team / or other members! that can end up injuring or derailing you!

We can really start to address some of those doubts, struggles and obstacles that have sabotaged you in the past!

You’ve got your own PT to help you get results, cheer you on…
Oh and kick your butt if needed πŸ˜‰
So you can get the results you desperately crave!

BONUS 1: Daily Emails to help you stay super focused & kick butt!

Yup, Imagine having me in your inbox every day cheering you on!

Over the next 4 weeks I’m going to be checking in with you regularly, sharing tips, tricks and resources that I’ve used myself and with my clients!

As I mentioned above, 3/4 of the battle is against ourselves and being left to our own devices! So having a daily email from me is like having me sit on your shoulder all of the time (Of course as a good influence, not bad hehe!) 

BONUS 2: A Personalised Quick & Fun Workout just for you

To get you started right away, when you join I’ll make you up a personalised quick and fun workout that is just for you!

You can let me know if you’d like me to make it for the gym or at home and I’ll use some of my PT magic and whip you up a workout you can start doing right away.

So A Quick Recap of what you get:

A 28 Day Christmas Challenge to help you look and feel amazing by Christmas! Cause who doesn’t want to look fabulous in their dresses/suits right!?  πŸ˜‰

  • 4 week training plan that’s quick, easy & get’s results (even if you’re busy!)
  • A suggested Meal Plan to help you accelerate your results
  • Accountability & Support from me in our Private FB Group
  • Bonus: Daily Emails to help keep you super focused & share my tips and tricks!
  • Bonus: A personalised, quick fun workout to get you started right away

Don’t let another year go by, putting yourself last!
You deserve to have the amazing health, strength and fitness that you crave!

And you’ve still got plenty of time my friend…
Remember this is designed for super busy peoples so that’s not an excuse! πŸ™ŠπŸ˜‰


In case you’re wondering why this is going to work when you’re not seeing me in person, I want to promise you that it will work!

You still have to do the work (haha I haven’t found a way to do it for you yet sorry!) But unlike other programs you get personal accountability and support from me! I’ll be checking in with you, making sure you stay on track and helping you modify and adapt it to suit YOU!

And because you can do it in the comfort of your own home some find it even easier than having to jump in the car and drive to gym!
(See how easy / realistic it is even if you’re super busy!)

Starts on Monday 26th of November…
Are you ready to feel fantastic?


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If you’d love even more accountability and support?
I’ve got an awesome pressie just for you!  

Join as a member with a friend or family member and you BOTH get an another $10 off the program!

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