From Meh to MOTIVATED Program


From meh to motivated in only 4 weeks

Do you want to feel healthy but struggle to find the time or motivation
> Are you desperate to lose weight?
> do you constantly feel sick, run down and EXHAUSTED?
> Are you fed up wondering what YOU need to do to get results?


I can relate because I’ve been there myself!

I know how i t feels when you feel really crap and you just can’t be bothered. Even when you know that you really need to do something about it.
But every time you think about it, it feels really overwhelming and confusing and ends up making you feel even more deflated.

It can be scary and daunting and confusing with where you’d even begin!
You know that you need to eat better. You know that I need to move more. Yet you still struggle, even when you know that you ‘should’ and it’s good for you.
And that just makes you even angrier at yourself. You hate feeling this way and really frustrated that you’re not doing anything about it.
Sometimes it feels so hopeless and the doubt creeps in that maybe you should just accept this is how it’s going to be because it’s all too hard. Maybe you can’t do it!?

And this is where I get really angry at the fitness industry for contributing to you feeling this way!
They tell you that you need to suck it up or white knuckle it some more. No wonder we always feel like we’ve failed.
I promise that it’s not the case! You don’t need another diet, crazy exercise program or quick fix to get real results!


And I know this because I’ve been exactly where you’re at! I used to throw myself into countless programs and diets that would never stick long term.
I’d wonder what was wrong with me. Thankfully I figured out that I didn’t need another crazy diet or ridiculous training program. I needed to discover what was going to work for ME!

And I want show you that living a fit & healthy lifestyle can be easy!
Imagine getting results, even with a relaxed approach to your health & fitness!


But before I jump into the good stuff, I want to share with you one of the BIGGEST REASONS I’ve recognised that most of these programs or quick fixes have failed! And before your mean girl jumps in and tells you it was because you weren’t tough enough or that you were too lazy; I want to assure you that is not true!

The piece of the puzzle that is missing for most of us is the accountability and support! Once we’ve bought the program we are then left to our own devices. Which let’s be honest, if that worked, well we’d already have the results right!

We need someone to help us know what we need to be doing for OUR bodies, not just generic advice.
We need someone to support and encourage us when things get challenging and tough!
We need someone to challenge our mindset about how we think about ourselves, our health & our fitness!
We need someone to guide us with what’s realistic rather than all of the confusing BS out there
We need someone to give us a friendly nudge back on track when we lose focus or momentum
We need someone to help keep us accountable and give us a kick up the bum so we don’t ditch the program half way through 😉
We need someone to show us that it doesn’t have to be scary, overwhelming or crazy to get results!

And that’s where this program is going to be different! I’ll be with you every step of the way so you can succeed and get real results!
So let’s jump in and tell you what this 4 week from meh to motivated program is all about <3

Here’s what’s included:

    • 4 week Fitness & Motivation Program that’s varied, realistic and fun!
    • Each week we’ll release 3 workout videos you can do in your own time
    • Every workout will be different so there is heaps of variety & fun (staring Yuki of course hehe)
    • There will be lots of different exercise options so you can tailor it to your fitness level
    • You don’t require any equipment and these workouts can be done anywhere
    • There will be a weekly LIVE where you get access to me & we can use it to come up with strategies for you!
    • Our own private FB community that is ONLY for the Meh to Motivated crew
    • An awesome community who are supportive, encouraging and positive who are also on a similar path to you
    • Access to your own Personal Trainer to ask questions in our FB group
    • Regular accountability, check ins and support so that you stay on track
    • And maybe a sneaky challenge or two thrown in for those who love’em
    • And of course some occasionally Amanda tough love/butt kicking or hugs when needed 😉
    • Starting on Monday 4th of June. Places are limited & this is a one off deal. Don’t miss out!

Your Investment:

The entire 4 weeks training, support and accountability program is going to cost a one off $70!

That’s your own Personal Trainer to motivate you, support you, answer your questions and give you guidance so you actually stick with it!

That’s cheaper than one face to face PT session and you get me for the whole 4 weeks… eek 😛
But this is a
one off deal only!

And in case you’re wondering why I’m doing it this low:

  • I’m trialling a new way of delivering you guys great results, hence the one off super low price whilst I’m testing it out
  • I’m almost at full capacity with my clients yet I still have a burning drive to help more people!
  • I know that health, fitness & weight loss can be scary, overwhelming and confusing and I want to show you that it doesn’t have to be that way!
  • I want you to get amazing results and I want to be your accountability buddy, to support, cheer and give you some Amanda tough love when needed
    …I love you hehe 😉
  • Plus I will have just had my Birthday. I’m so freaking grateful for the life I live and I want to share that with you! I don’t want price to be the thing that’s stopping you from feeling awesome! In fact I want you to go ‘holy moly that’s a crazy good deal’ and jump on it, not spend hours deliberating or over thinking it! Spend that energy on fun stuff instead!
  • This price is about removing any of the doubts or worries that would normally hold you back, so you can JUST DO IT!
  • Andddd I want people to join in and do my Birthday Burpees with me… hehe jokes… (or am I – mwahahaha)
  • So if you’ve been thinking “gee I’d love to train with Amanda” – THIS IS YOUR TIME!

Places are LIMITED and this deal will not be made again.
Doors close on Saturday 2nd of June (or if places fill sooner)
NOW is the time for you to feel great and work towards that strong, healthy body you crave!


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Wondering why you should join?

Here’s a couple of reasons I prepared earlier 😉

    • You won’t have to waste time or stress about what exercises you need to be doing, I’ve got it all worked out for you!
    • No more second guessing or wondering if you’re doing the right thing for you & your body! I’m here to ask 🙂
    • No more ditching the program half way through because I’m there to keep you accountable and on track!
    • You’re going to be healthier and fitter!
    • This is a realistic program that you can fit into your life right now no matter how crazy things are!
    • By actually doing it (not just thinking about it) you’ll feel amazing and it snowballs into other areas too (like eating better, losing weight, sleeping better etc)
    • When you do this program with me I’ll show you that you are stronger and waaaay more capable than you think! (Ha – take that mean girl! hehe)
    • And importantly I’m going to help you change your mindset towards yourself and your fitness!


This is why I can help you & I’m a great “fit” for you (tehehe)

I’m Amanda Rattay and I’ve helped hundreds of people just like you, by showing them it can be easy to live a fit & healthy life!
I’ve been in the fitness industry for over a decade (the average burnout is 6 months!) and during that time I’ve worn many hats. I’ve worked in everything from small boutique gyms, to large commercial chains, as a fitness group instructor, to owning my own gym and selling it, through to teaching other PT’s to become qualified.

With all of my experience, it’s made me realise that I have a really different view to most of the trainers out there.
I don’t have a smash bash, go hard or go home approach, I believe in listening to what you’re body needs!
I see red when ‘experts’ claim that you should give up food groups forever.
I’ve never understood the desire to train for countless hours at the gym (or take thousands of selfies for that matter.. tehehehe)
And don’t get me started on preachy programs that promise the world but are never realistic or sustainable!

I think a big part of why I’m different is because I’ve struggled with my weight, my health & my fitness for most of my life – so I really get it!
That’s why I will NEVER tell you “stop eating chocolate” (pffft whatever! I seriously want to punch those guys hehe).
I’ve love my food (sometimes too much as I used to secretly binge eat) so I was never able to stick with horrible shakes, or eat the same boring bland pre-prepared meals each day.
I’m not someone that’s found exercise super easy and fun, so I always got bored doing the same old thing… Or I’d injure myself trying to do some crazy extreme exercise program!
And I have to confess, I don’t love kale! Whenever I tried to struggle through the ‘low calorie’ diets I’d always be hangry and resent anyone who offered me cake! (Seriously, can’t you see I’m on a diet! Don’t do that to me!!!! hehe) 

So I’ve had to fight against a lot of the industries promises or ‘proven’ methods that tell me what being healthy looks like or how to lose weight.
I never bought into “treat your body as a temple”, “food is only fuel” or “just don’t eat that crap”. I refused to believe that was the only way I could get results.

I’ve discovered through my own trial and errors that you can be fit & healthy AND enjoy a realistic lifestyle too!

And that’s now my thing. I want to be that voice of common sense for people just like us. It’s time the fitness industry realised that not everyone wants to be super lean like Barbie & Ken. Not all of us have aspirations (or the time, we have real lives going on) to look like a fitness model. BUT WE STILL WANT TO LIVE FIT & HEALTHY LIVES TOO!

I see that being my role. To help guide and support others, give them the accountability and encouragement to do things differently!
To show you that you can be healthy and strong without sacrificing all of the things that we love!

And I’d really love the chance to work with you and help you discover that too!

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Maybe you’ve got a couple of questions:

I’m super keen but I have other commitments / not sure if this is the right time?

I completely understand this one. It seems like every time we want to start something every social function or event pops up right in the middle!
I’ve found throughout my entire career (well actually life) there is NEVER a perfect time to start something. And by having that “I’ll start when….” mentality it actually kept me trapped so I never really got the results I wanted. I’ve come to accept that life will never be perfect and we’ll always have stuff going on. Particularly in this day and age where we all work crazy hours, have busy lives, family commitments, kids, social engagements… and then trying to find time for ourselves. Sometimes it feels impossible!

That’s why we need to learn a system that we can use no matter what situation we’re in or how busy it gets. We need to learn to be flexible and adapt, and that is how I can help you. I’ll be there with you to support you the whole time and together we can come up with strategies so you can continue to get results and kick butt!

And if you don’t start of the 4th, when you purchase this program you’ll still have access to the workouts that are released each week, the LIVE videos, the private FB group community. So you will still be a part of it and able to do it at your own pace! Remember part of this process is about making it work for you, rather than trying to force someone else’s program into your life!
So if you’re in doubt, I’d say go for it or reach out and let’s chat!

Doors will be closing on Saturday 2nd (and a friendly reminder, this is a pilot so it’s at a heavily reduced price!)
So even if it’s not the “perfect time” or you’re “really busy” (aren’t we always!), there won’t ever be a better deal or time to play with me 😀 

I’m worried if I’ll be fit enough/ able to do the workouts?

I understand this. Sometimes it feels really overwhelming and scary and we don’t think that we’re fit enough to start (so we put it off).
Again I want to remind you that hasn’t worked so well in the past, so it’s time to change it up. I’m going to be with you every step of the way so you can ask specific questions in the group about how to modify any of the exercises you need (along with some extra love and support). Plus all of the workouts are going to show you different options so you can tailor each workout to your pace!
Also the workouts are very realistic, they’re constantly mixed up so they’re not boring… and they star Yuki who is an awesome distraction 🙂
If you follow along (which I’m there to help keep you accountable), you will absolutely be fitter & feel stronger than when you first started!

I have an injury, can I do the program?

I work with a lot of clients that have different fitness levels, health concerns and injuries. This program will have lots of different options, however if you have a specific injury or health concern I’d highly recommend reaching out to me before you purchase to make sure that this program will be suitable for you! The last thing I want you to do is purchase the program and not get any value out of it! And of course it’s important that you have the all clear from your doctor / specialist / allied health professional before commencing training too!

Also please keep in mind that we may be able to tailor the program for you if you are injured, so you can still move and feel great. For example let’s say you have a sore shoulder. There is nothing stopping you from doing some of the cardio, lower body and ab workouts so you can still move and feel fantastic! Or if you’ve hurt your knee, same goes we can focus on upper body, carido and core to keep you working towards your goals!

That’s how I’ll be able to help make this program work for you!
However as above, please reach out if you’re unsure before you purchase and we can chat – I’m happy to help where I can 🙂

I’m not on Facebook, can I still join?

At this stage I am only going to be running this program through Facebook. That includes all of the LIVES / Community / Q & A / Workouts etc.
To get value from this program you will need to be a member of the private FB group. If you’re a shy panda though don’t worry! You’ll never be forced to participate or comment unless you want to. This isn’t like those dreaded conventions or class room situations where I’ll put you on the spot and make you do something! Promise! Those memories still give me nightmares hehe

Apart from the initial signup (when you pay you’ll receive an email from me with confirmation details), all of the communication will be done through the private Facebook group.

This group will be PRIVATE, meaning ONLY people in the group will be able to see it (so other paying members just like you). The group is also secret so no-one will be able to search for the group or even see that you’re in the group. It’s SUPER important for me to have an awesome, engaged and safe environment for us all to open up and chat in.

Can guys join this program too or is it only for women?

This program is open to EVERYONE!
In the past I have mentioned that I was only going to take on women (How To Lose Weight From Home) and one of my very awesome guy clients called me on it…
We shall call him “Lucy” 😛

My original fear was if I opened the group up to everyone we’d get a group of marcho’s coming in and taking over. The reality is, I’ll never let that happen and I’m actually never going to attract that type of clientele (and I’ll show them my butt kicking goodbye boots if I do hehe… I’m so brave right 😉
The truth is I work with some freaking fabulous guys and gals and we’re all in the same boat! So why on earth am I excluding peeps who also want help, support, accountability when I can help them! Crazy right! So I have acknowledge the call out and opened it to everyone! … I feel like we need a group hug now *nawwww*


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Amanda Rattay - from meh to motivated

Quick Recap – this program is for you if:

  • You are sick and tired of stopping and starting and never getting results
  • You’re over throwing money at programs but never sticking with them because you’ve never had the support or accountability when life comes up
  • You want guidance, advice and encouragement from your very own Personal Trainer for the 4 weeks
  • Want to be part of a like minded community to share advice, motivate and inspire you to kick butt
  • Want to discover how to make it realistic to live a fit & healthy lifestyle! (Yay no more crazy quick fixes or diets)
  • You want a stronger, healthier and fitter body!

This program is NOT for you if:

  • You are looking for a quick fix diet or crazy weight loss scheme
    (and with respect I am not the right trainer for you and don’t want to waste either of our time)
  • You’re looking for an specific or tailored fitness program (i.e. body sculpting, marathon training, injury rehabilitation etc)
  • You are looking for a short term fad. This program is about helping you discover what’s going to work for you, making it easy and realistic that you can continue after the program has finished!
  • You are not open to trying things a different way, if you’re not open to learning new things or being challenged (of course in my Amanda caring/supporting way)
  • If you’re looking for an all or nothing approach (aka going hell for leather then stopping when you run out of steam / motivation or become injured etc like you may have in the past). You’ve been there countless times before and it’s never stuck…. Maybe it’s time to try something different?
  • If you aren’t on Facebook or willing to join the private FB group (and not willing make an account), At this stage I am only going to be communicating through the private FB group.
    Please see the questions section for more information..

If you want to feel stronger, healthier and fitter this is it!
Let’s go from feeling from meh to motivated!

I can’t WAIT to start working with you & help you get some fabulous results and feeling great!

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