Operation Feel Awesome

A customised 30 day health & fitness plan to suit YOU!
I’ll be with you every step of the way to help you stay on track & get the results you crave!

> Bonus FREE 1:1 Call if you book before the 1st of October! <<
(so you can start right away and kick butt!)

Do you ever feel this way?

    • You struggle with your weight and hate how heavy, sluggish and flat you feel?
    • You’re sick of nothing ever working, no matter how hard you try?
    • You feel defeated, run down, exhausted and overwhelmed so it becomes all too hard?
    • You’re dreading the end of year functions because you don’t have anything that you feel good in?
    • You’re sick of second guessing, sabotaging or doubting what you need to do for YOUR body?

What if it didn’t have to be this way? What if I could….

    • Help you get the results that you crave & feel awesome?
      Without it being overwhelming, hard or extreme? 
    • Help you come up with a step by step plan with exactly what YOU NEED TO DO for you?
      That’s perfect for your body, lifestyle, time constraints and that you enjoy?
      No matter how busy or crazy life gets you can still do this! 
    • Gave you the accountability & support so this time you stick with it? 
      That included’s when life comes up or it get’s tough! You’ll go an expert in YOUR corner to give you guidance to kick butt! 
    • Help you overcome your doubts or self sabotaging patterns that have derailed you in the past?
      By checking in regularly and sharing strategies to overcome these challenges. Once and for all!
    • Help make this different to every other time?
      It’s not ‘following or forcing’ someone else’s way into your world! Instead it’s about helping you work out what YOU NEED to be doing for you!

So here’s what’s involved in Operation Feel Awesome:

Starting on MONDAY 15th of OCTOBER

It’s a customised 30 day health & fitness plan to suit YOU!
I’ll be with you every step of the way to help you stay on track & get the results you crave!

Plus you can take everything that you learn over the 30 days and keep applying it into your day to day life! Yay for continuing to feel awesome!

Sound Great and want to know all the details?

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YES! I’m ready to feel awesome & kick butt!


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Access to your very own Personal Trainer for LESS than the cost of 1 x PT session a week! I think that’s a pretty awesome deal! (haha but clearly I’m biased) 😋

A quick recap on why this program is for you…  

    • You really want to get results and feel good about yourself!
    • You struggle to stay motivated on your own
      (even when you ‘know you should’ or ‘have the best intentions to’)
    • You finally want to get on top of your health, weight and fitness!
    • You’d love someone to show you exactly what YOU need to be doing for you!
    • You’re super busy, put yourself last and fed up that you’re not looking after yourself!
    • You want that push, motivation and accountability to see what YOU are actually capable of!
    • You want to feel awesome and look great at all the end of year functions & parties this year!

Maybe you have some questions?

If I’m already exercising / going to gym will this work for me?

Yes absolutely. This will be a BRILLIANT addition to your current training!

We can work together to fine tune what you’re currently doing to make it perfect for what you need right now! Also you’ll have all my tools, resources, strategies and support to make this stick! So you really can maximise those results!

(Because if it was only about working out you’d already have the results right? As you know living a fit & healthy lifestyle is about more than that! And we’ll work together to dig deeper and look at that!)

I’m really keen but I have a lot on. I’m not sure this is the right time? 

I understand. Coming towards the end of the year it can feel super busy which is exactly why I’m running this program now!

By starting in October it allows us to get ahead of the game. You get momentum on your side before all the crazy starts!
Not only will you look & feel amazing; you’ll have lots of energy & great health to get through it all!

And a friendly reminder (that I sometimes struggle with hehe) there’s never a perfect time to ‘start’. We need to find a way that we can always look after ourselves, even when it’s hectic! And I can help show you how to do that! In a way that suits YOU!

(Also it’s the last time I’ll be running a program this year. So if not now, when?)

I’m worried I won’t be fit enough or have an injury?

I realise that in the past you may have been burnt here! You’ve really wanted to make a change and joined a program but found out that you couldn’t do a lot of the exercises… or didn’t enjoy them.

I want to assure you that this isn’t a cookie cutter program! With our calls I’m going to be chatting with you about exactly what YOU NEED for your body & what you enjoy! It’s all going to be tailored to work around your fitness levels or injury if you have one!

That’s where having a PT on your side who is multidimensional will really make a difference!

So no matter where you’re at, you deserve to feel awesome & look after you!

If i’m NOT on Facebook is it worth joining? 

Yes it is! Why I LOVE this program so much and KNOW that you’ll get results is because you get to work with me 1:1! You’ve got your very own Personal Trainer/Coach to make it specific to YOU and help you stay on track!

Along with the calls you’ve also got unlimited email support. You also have access to the membership hub that has workout, stretching videos etc.
Plus I’ll send you the replay so you can still watch!

You’ll have all of the support & accountability you need to stick with it and make your goals happen!

Why is this different to other programs?

One – I’m in your corner and have your back!
Two – I’ve been where you are so this isn’t “just another program”. I’ll share my strategies, tools and resources so you can stick it out and kick butt!
Three – I’ve got over a decade’s worth of experience to share with you!
(That makes for a huge tool kit)
Four – I don’t believe that there is one size fit’s all
Five – This program is CUSTOMISED for YOU!
Six – I make this EASY and have a NO BS policy when it comes to health & fitness!

If there’s anything I’ve missed, please make sure to reach out via email (button below) or we can chat on Facebook!

I am REALLY excited about this program!
I know that this time really can be different & I can’t wait to help you achieve the results that you really crave!

You’ve got this!!!
(PS Don’t forget the SUPER BONUS if you sign up before October!)


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